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In the latest episode of the Dementia Researcher podcast, Dr Sarah Bauermeister and Dr Danielle Newby explain how researchers can use the DPUK Data Portal to generate valuable new insights into dementia.

Cup of coffee and mobile phone with earphones

Podcast description: 'Cohorts and the data collected from them through longitudinal research studies have made a significant impact on our understanding of disease. With funding from the Medical Research Council, Dementias Platform UK (DPUK) has been at the forefront of this work for the past five years, providing dementia researchers with free access to more than three million health records from over 40 cohort studies, and a powerful, secure analytics platform.

'In our first ever "live recording", we invited the audience into our virtual studio to watch Dr Megan O'Hare host a discussion on DPUK. Listen to discover what DPUK is, how it works, how it is helping researchers, and how you can use the service.

'Guests on the show are cognitive neuropsychologist Dr Sarah Bauermeister, Senior Data and Science Manager at DPUK, and multi-disciplinary researcher Dr Danielle Newby, also from the University of Oxford. With a background in epidemiology, pharmacology and machine learning, Danielle is currently using DPUK to explore options for repurposing existing drugs for use in dementia.'

Listen to the podcast here:

Dementia Researcher is a network for early-career researchers working in the field of dementia. Visit the Dementia Researcher website to find out more.