Annual report
How DPUK is adapting to rapid change

Our latest report, titled 'Translation in a fast-changing world', explores how DPUK's work is effectively focusing on areas where it can make a significant impact on translational research and medicine .
We have seen some major developments across all our activities during the last 12months. In fact, rapid change is the theme for DPUK's annual report, published in March 2024.
The capacity and scope of our Trials Delivery programme, increased activity at our Data Portal and an extension of our Experimental Medicine work to scalable biomarkers all illustrate why rapid change is everywhere at DPUK.
There are looming challenges and opportunities with AI. Our Swansea team is engaged in assessing risks around research in secure Trusted Research Environments and AI-led trust by design solutions for privacy protection.
The focus within dementia research on blood biomarkers has also brought additional funding to DPUK from the Blood Biomarker Challenge to identify the utility of biomarkers and their cost-effective use in the NHS.
In this latest report, we have significant insights from people across the landscape including Professor David Bennett at Rush University in Chicago. Everywhere there is positive optimism about collaboration and partnerships.
Download a copy of the report. We hope you will enjoy reading it.
PREVIOUS REPORTS (downloadable PDFs)
2023 Annual Report: Accelerating translation for dementia research