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Following the launch of the new Data Portal, DPUK experts will be answering your questions LIVE on Twitter. The Twitter Q & As will be taking place on 11 December at 1pm GMT and 21 December at 4pm GMT, using the hashtag #DPUKportal

A man using his phone while on his laptop. © Paul Tait

Twitter Q&A

This will be an opportunity for researchers, academics and industry colleagues to get live information about the Data Portal, how it might benefit them, and how it works.

The Data Portal brings together records of over 2m people in a secure and free-to-access platform, and it is ever expanding. There are currently eight active studies on the Data Portal - you can read more about them here

More support for researchers to use the portal

In order to encourage further analyses to start as soon as possible, we will be offering awards of up to £50K each, for proposals using the Data Portal. These awards, including how to apply, and terms and conditions, will be annouced in January 2018. 

To further support scientists wanting to make use of the Data Portal, we will run a series of webinars, starting in January 2018, that will offer a step-by-step guide on how to sign up, apply for data, and best use of the state-of-the-art analysis software. 

'How-to' guides will be available for your reference on the portal site. 

For any general enquiries, please do not hesitate to contact us on