NiftyPET: a High-throughput Software Platform for High Quantitative Accuracy and Precision PET Imaging and Analysis
Pawel J. Markiewicz, Matthias J. Ehrhardt, ell Erlandsson, Philip J. Noonan, Anna Barnes, Jonathan M. Schott, David Atkinson, Simon R. Arridge, Brian F. Hutton, Sebastien Ourselin
The NiftyPET software, thanks to the high-throughput processing using dedicated parallel computing devices, enables processing of bigger datasets for large clinical trials. It facilitates fast reconstruction of dynamic four-dimensional images and thus allows more robust and faster research on disease modelling as well as novel imaging methods dedicated to dementia. The paper relates to a software package that can used in the reconstruction brain images acquired from MR-PET scanners. The software is an open-source Python package and is currently being extended to support all the MR-PET scanners deployed in the UK within the Dementias Platform UK network (DPUK) for harmonised image reconstruction and analysis in multi-centre clinical trials.