On Wednesday 1 July the government set out its 'Research and Development Roadmap' which it says will 'cement the UK as the world's leading research and science superpower'. In response to this announcement Professor John Gallacher comments:
"Dementias Platform UK welcomes the UK Government's Research and Development Roadmap. It provides a strategic overview of future priorities and investment in R&D and its importance for dementia is difficult to overstate.
As the UK's biggest health challenge, dementia needs continued investment to accelerate the development of new treatments.
The Roadmap emphasises the importance of collaboration and partnership as drivers of innovation and these principles are at the heart of Dementias Platform UK. We look forward to working with the government and our partners and colleagues across dementia research. We need to ensure that dementia research remains a priority within the Roadmap and benefits the economy and those affected by the pain of this complex disease.
John Gallacher: Director Dementias Platform UK